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The main configuration options for the TMCore EPiServer Module are specified as values in the appSettings section of the web.config file. All configuration options in the TMCore EPiServer Module have defaults, so is only necessary to add the properties for which the default value is not applicable. For example, it will be necessary to override NP_TM_ASPNET_CLIENT_Base property for if the EPiServer installation is configured as a virtual directory. Other properties may need changing based on the specific deployment scenario. A full list of parameters and their meaning may be found in the following sections. If you wish/need to override any of the settings then you should do so by adding the configuration setting inside the <appSettings> element.

As an example a complete set of available configuration options being set to their default values is shown:

<add key="NP_TM_TopicType"

     value="nptopictype" />


<add key="NP_TM_PageIdOccurrenceTypePsi"

     value="" />


<add key="NP_TM_LanguageCodePrefix"



<add key="NP_TM_PageLinkOccurrenceTypePsi"

     value="" />


<add key="NP_TM_TMWS_Endpoint"

     value="http://localhost/tmws/TMService.asmx" />


<add key="NP_TM_NPCL_Endpoint"

     value="http://localhost/npcl-ws/NPCLSchemaService.asmx" />


<add key="NP_TM_TopicMapName"

     value="EPi" />


<add key="NP_TM_TopicPsi"

     value="topicSI" />


<add key="NP_TM_ASPNET_CLIENT_Base"



<add key="NP_TM_ShowTypeOnExistingAssociations"

     value="None" />


<add key="NP_TM_ShowTypeOnSearchPicker"

     value="TopicTypeOnly" />


<add key="NP_TM_DefaultPickerList"



If you are deploying a solution using Networked Planet's Topic Map Index Service, there are additional configuration options and you should also follow the instructions contained with the Topic Map Index Server Integration chapter of this documentation.