Create Hierarchies

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This final step is the most complex step in the process.

When you create a hierarchy you must specify the following pieces of information:

1.Which topic is the top item in the hierarchy.
2.What type of association is used to create parent-child relationships between items in the tree.
3.What type of association role is played by the parent topic in each parent-child relationship.
4.What type of association role is played by the child topic in each parent-child relationship.

All of this information is specified by associations between a topic representing the entire hierarchy itself and the topics that represent the top item in the tree, the association type and the association role types. To create a new hierarchy you need to perform the following steps.

1.First, create the roles that specify the child and parent role players, such as Broader and Narrower.
2.Create the association type for the parent and child relationship and add the previous parent and child role types to this association.
3.Add the Role Player Constraints to a topic or topic types for the roles and association created in steps 1 and 2.
4.Create a new topic for the root of the hierarchy. This can be any topic type and can be named anything. For our example we will use Technologies.
5.Now create the topic that will represent the actual hierarchy itself. To do this, create a new topic and edit it. Click on the Hierarchies tab and choose Add Facet Type.
Hierarchy Root - add the topic that was created in step 4.
Hierarchy Types - add the association type that was created in step 2.
Superordinate and Subordinate Roles - add the roles that were created in step 1.

After this, each time you create a topic that has the role player constraint specified in the hierarchy type, you will need to join it to the hierarchy by creating an association from the topic specified as Hierarchy Root in step 5.