Creating New Queries

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If required, the developer can construct new queries for use with the ASP.NET controls that can understand ADO.NET DataSet instances. The recommended method of doing this is to define a new custom query to TMService.

The basic steps of creating a new query are:

1.Create the SQL for the query, either using a simple relational query or a call to a stored procedure. If using stored procedures or user defined functions ensure that they are defined in the database and that the user being used by TMService to execute (typically the ASP.NET user) has permission to execute these stored procedures and user defined functions (grant access to the tm_reader role).
2.Add the query definition to the TWMS web.config file. Consult the TMCore documentation for information on how to do this (see the TMCore Web Services Guide; Topic Map Web Service Definition; Topic Map Web Service Configuration section).
3.Make a call to the query using the NetworkedPlanet.EPiServerModule.EPiTMServiceHelper class.
4.The resulting XML may be used as the parameter to create an ADO.NET DataSet instance.