Faceted Navigation

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Faceted navigation allows the user to narrow down a large information set down to the precise information that they want quickly. Starting from a large topic set (for example: all topics of a named type), the attributes of the topics are used to differentiate the topics and the user can select the attributes of the topic they are looking for. Inside the EPiServer Module demo, the schema for Person contains the following association types:

1.Person is assigned task (Person to Task).
2.Person has skill (Person to Skill).
3.Person is responsible for content item (Person to Content Item).
4.Person member of unit (Person to Organisation Unit).
5.Person leads unit (Person to Organisation Unit).
6.Person is in team (Person Cross Functional Team).

So if we were to build a faceted navigator for a Person instance, these associations for the basis for facets that the user can select from. Obviously, the navigation has to make sense. It is probable that there are far more documents than people, therefore navigating to a person by searching through all the documents in the system is not a useful navigation model (however, the reverse may be a very useful selection criteria: to find documents by author).

Some sensible facet selections are: "Person has skill", "Person member of unit" and "Person is in team". The following sections describe how to build a page containing faceted navigation for person by these criteria:

Add a Faceted Search Orchestrator
Add the Facet Selectors
Showing the Results