The Core Indexes

The namespace NetworkedPlanet.TMAPI.Index.Core defines a collection of index interfaces all of which are derived from IIndex. Each of these index interface provides additional methods for accessing indexed information about one of the types of object in a topic map. The following table summarises the core index interfaces and the indexes they provide access to.

Table 6.1. TMAPI Core Indexes

Index Interface



Provides a list of all ITopics which define the type of one or more IAssociationRoles and an index of IAssociationRoles by their type.


Provides a list of all ITopics which define the type of one or more IAssociations and an index of IAssociations by their type.


Provides a list of all ITopics which define the type of one or more IOccurrences; an index of IOccurrences by their type; an index of IOccurrences by their Resource property; and an index of IOccurrences by their Value property.


Provides a list of all ITopics which are part of the scope of one or more IScopedObjects (IAssociations, IOccurrences, ITopicNames and IVariants); and an index of IScopedObjects by their scoping topics. This index can be queried for all IScopedObjects with a specified ITopic as a scoping topic; all IScopedObjects with a specified collection of ITopics as part of their list of scoping topics (matching all the specified Topics) or all IScopedObjects with at least one of a specified collection of ITopics as one of their scoping topics.


Provides an index of all ITopicMapObjects by their SourceLocators property.


Provides an index of ITopicNames by their Value property.


Provides a list of all ITopics which define the type of one or more ITopics; an index of ITopics by their SubjectIdentifiers; an index of ITopics by their SubjectLocators and an index of ITopics by their Types. The index of ITopics by Types allows you to retrieve either all ITopics with a specified ITopic in the Types property; all ITopics with a specified collection of ITopics in the Types property; or all ITopics with any one of a specified collection of ITopics in the Types property.


Provides an index of IVariants by their Resource property and an index of IVariants by their Value property.