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Each add element provides the connection string for one of the databases. Each element has the following attributes:


Attribute Name



This is the reference name of the connection string. A properly configured connectionStrings.xml file will contain one add element with each of the following name attribute values:



The connection strings are specified using ADO.NET Entity Framework connection string syntax and have the following general form:

metadata=res://*/{name}.csdl|res://*/{name}.ssdl|res://*/{name}.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string="Data Source={server name};Initial Catalog={db name};Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True"


{name} is the name of the entity mapping. This is the same as the value in the name attribute of the add element.
{server name} is the name of the database server that hosts the back-end databases.
{db name} is the name of the database that contains the data entities. The database name depends on the entity mapping:
oWeb3CacheEntities are mapped to the database Web3Cache
oWeb3DataEntities are mapped to the database Web3Data
oWeb3SecurityEntities are mapped to the database Web3Security
oWeb3SchemaEntities are mapped to the database Web3Schema
oWeb3JobEntities are mapped to the database Web3Jobs (note the extra 's' on the end!)


The part of this string between provider connection string=" and " is a ADO.NET connection string. The default configuration of this string is usually correct for most requirements (the format of the string will be slightly different if you specified a SQL Server user name and password to use for connections during the installation process). If you need to modify this connection string we recommend taking a back up of the whole file first.



The value of this attribute should always be System.Data.EntityClient