Getting Topic Labels

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To Retrieve all Labels for a Topic

The special predicate can be used to retrieve all labels of a topic. For example the following query finds all person topics and returns the topic address and all of its labels.

PREFIX ont: <>
PREFIX tms: <
  ?t a ont:person .
  ?t tms:label ?l

In the query above, if a topics has two labels then results set will have two rows for that topics - in each row the topic address in the ?t column will be the same, but the ?l column will contain each label value on a separate row.


To Retrieve a Specific Label for a Topic

To return the label for a topic in a particular language, you can add the language code to the end of the predicate URL - for example the predicate returns only the US English label for the topic. You should be careful when using this more specific type of query because topics that do not have a label in the specified language will not be returned unless you put the label triple pattern in an OPTIONAL block. The following query finds only those products that have a French label:

PREFIX ont: <>
  ?t a ont:product .
  ?t <> ?l

The following query finds the French and English labels for products and will return products that have a French label, an English label or neither

PREFIX ont: <>
SELECT ?t ?fr ?en WHERE {
  ?t a ont:product .
  OPTIONAL { ?t <> ?fr } .
  OPTIONAL { ?t <> ?en }