Hierarchy Node

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A node in a topic map hierarchy. The {topicId} portion of the URL is the same GUID that can be used in the {topicId} portion of the Topic representation URL to retrieve the topic itself.


Supported HTTP Operations


HTTP Method


Supported Formats


Retrieves a representation of the hierarchy node. Returns a HierarchyNodeRepr item.



Updates the definition of a hierarchy node. Accepts a HierarchyNodeRepr item.



Removes a hierarchy node from the hierarchy. This operation does not delete the topic from the topic map - it just disconnect it from the hierarchy. The operation supports the following optional parameters:

attachChildren - allowed values are 'false' or 'true'. If 'true', then the direct children of the deleted hierarchy node will be connected as direct children of the parent(s) of the deleted hierarchy node - meaning that they remain in the tree but are effectively promoted up the hierarchy by one level. Default value is 'false'
delete - allowed values are 'false' or 'true'. If 'true' then the topic for the hierarchy node is deleted from the topic map. Otherwise it is just disconnected from the hierarchy without being deleted from the topic map. Default value is 'false'.
cascade - allowed values are 'false' or 'true'. This property is only processed if the 'delete' parameter is set to 'true'. If 'true', then all descendants of the node are also deleted from the topic map. NOTE: The cascade='true' option takes precedence over the attachChildren='true' option. Default value is false.


