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New-Pool [-TopicMapAddress] <Uri> [-Name] <String> [-DenyTypes <String[]>] 

New-Pool [-TopicMapAddress] <Uri> [-Name] <String> -AllowTypes <String[]>


Creates a new topic pool in a topic map with controls on what types of topics are allowed in the pool. When creating a topic pool you can choose to restrict what types of topics are allowed in the topic pool. You can choose to either allow a set of topic types (and disallow all other types of topic) or deny a set of topic types (and allow all other types of topic) - which approach you use will depend upon your particular control requirements. It is also possible to create a pool with no restrictions on the types of topics allowed in it.



TopicMapAddress <Uri>
The web address of the topic map where the new topic pool is to be created. This is a positional parameter - it must appear as the first parameter in the command and the parameter name may be omitted.
Name <String>
The name to assign to the topic pool. This is a positional parameter - it must appear as the second parameter in the command and the parameter name may be omitted.
DenyTypes <String[]>
A list of the subject identifiers of the types of topics that will not be allowed in the pool. All other types of topics will be allowed in the pool. This is an optional parameter that may be omitted entirely in which case all types of topic will be allowed in the pool.
AllowTypes <String[]>
A list of the subject identifiers of the types of topics that will be allowed in the pool. All other types of topics will not be allowed in the pool.



This method returns the web address of the newly created pool.