TMCore Documentation
TMCore is a programmer's toolkit for creating applications for the Microsoft .NET platform that use the Topic Maps paradigm. The TMCore distribution consists of three related components. The Engine provides a complete programming interface to the TMCore system. The engine is implemented entirely as managed code and can be accessed from C#, VB.NET, or J#. The Topic Map Web Service provides a high-level transaction-oriented web services API which allows query, read and write operations over a web services interface with a simple XML syntax. The NPCL Web Service provides web service methods for retrieving the schema that governs a topic map or a single type in a topic map.
The following documentation is provided with this distribution of TMCore:
TMCore Installation Guide
Explains how to install the TMCore components; how to configure your SQLServer database to support TMCore; and how to configure the Web Services and Topic Map Editor web application. -
Topic Map Editor User's Guide [Single HTML File]
Describes how to use the Topic Map Editor application to edit the topic maps managed by a TMCore system. -
Command Line Tools Reference [Single HTML File]
Describes the options supported by the command line tools provided to enable you to import XTM files and manage the topic maps in a TMCore system. -
Engine API Guide [Single HTML File]
Describes the programming interfaces for TMCore. This document also describes the Networked Planet Constraint Langauge (NPCL) which can be used to define a schema for a topic map. -
Web Services Guide [Single HTML File]
Provides an overview and examples for developers wishing to write applications that use the Topic Map Web Service or the NPCL Web Service. -
TMCore Query Reference Sheet
Describes the database views and stored procedures provided by TMCore which you may use in creating your own SQL queries against the topic maps managed by a TMCore system. -
TMCore API Reference (HTML Help)
A Windows HTML Help file that contains a complete reference for the TMCore APIs.
Other Sources of Information and Support
Further information can be found on the NetworkedPlanet website. For support questions, please email