
This section outlines some of the common problems that you may encounter when using the Topic Map Editor and how to mitigate them.

When a problem occurs in TMEditor a description of the error is printed on the browser window, however this is generally just an overview and may not contain enough information to identify the root cause of a problem. To assist with problem diagnosis TMEditor attempts to write trace information using the log4net framework. The default configuration file is contained in the log4net.config file, located in the root of the TMEditor web application directory. By default this will attempt to write trace entries to a rolling log named currentLog in the TMEditor root web application directory. If the log is not appearing then the most likely cause is that the ASPNET user (or which username is in use by the ASP.NET framework) does not have permission to write to this directory. Once write permission is granted the log should start being written.

Errors when loading Topic Map Editor application.

This section shows some of the common configuration issues that may result in Topic Map Editor not working correctly.

General network error. Check your network documentation. (Windows XP)

This error may occur if the database configuration is altered in such a way that the network connection between IIS and MS-SQL is broken. Provided that the change does not affect the correct functioning of the Topic Map Editor (for example, removing the ASPNET user from the list of allowed logins to the database) this should correct the problem.

Cannot open database requested in login 'topicmap'. Login fails. Login failed for user '<machinename>\ASPNET'. (Windows XP)

This most commonly occurs just after a TMCore installation has been completed and Topic Map Editor is configured to use SSPI for authentication. By default the TMCore database (typically named topicmap does not create a login for the user that is being used by IIS to execute the Topic Map Editor code. This user, unless otherwise configured by the IIS administrator is ASPNET (or IUSR_machine name on Windows Server 2003). To resolve this problem add the ASPNET (or IUSR_machine_name) user to MS-SQL and grant it the tm_reader and tm_writer roles to the TMCore database. If you are not using this configuration, consult the IIS and MS-SQL documentation for more information on how to integrate these.

Using a button or link in Topic Map Editor performs a different action to the one selected

This may happen occasionally, usually in Internet Explorer, after the Back button on the web browser has been used. This is a known issue with ASP.NET v1.1 and we are investigating the cause and a possible fix. To work around this, reload the Topic Map Editor. In Firefox this may be achieved by clicking the Refresh button on under the topic editor heading. In Internet Explorer restart the Topic Map Editor application in a new Internet Explorer window.