Get-TopicMapJobs [-TopicMapAddress] <Uri>
Returns a list of the most recent 20 long-running topic map jobs that are current on the specified topic map.
• | TopicMapAddress <Uri>
Specifies the web address of the topic map whose jobs are to be returned. This is a positional parameter and needs to be specified as the first parameter. The parameter name can be omitted. |
A list of JobStatusRepr objects. Each object has the following properties:
• | Address
The web address of the job. |
• | JobType
The type of processing represented by the job. Possible values are "TopicMapTransaction", "Import" or "Export". |
• | Status
The current processing status of the job. The possible status values are: |
o | Created - the job has been created in the store but is not yet queued for processing. Jobs in this state can be canceled and deleted. |
o | Queued - the job has been queued for processing but no worker has been assigned to it yet. Jobs in this state can be canceled and deleted. |
o | Processing - the job is being actively processed by a worker. Jobs in this state cannot be canceled and must run to one of the completion states. |
o | Completed- the job has been processed successfully. |
o | CompletedWithErrors - the job encountered an error that prevented successful processing. |
• | Parameters
A list of the processing parameters passed to the job. Parameters are specified as a string of semi-colon separated <key>=<value> pairs. |
• | Identity
The user identity that the job executes as. |
• | WorkerId
The ID of the worker thread that is handling / has handled the job. This property is only |
• | StatusMessage
The last status message recorded by the worker thread. |
• | Created
The date/time when the job was created. |
• | Updated
The date/time when the job was last updated. This timestamp is updated each time the worker updates the status message for the job. |
• | Completed
The date/time when the worker completes processing the job. |
PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-TopicMapJobs http://localhost/web3/topicmaps/d51bb6e4-3ae9-4db0-917f-bd1ea20fb396
Id : 061a0bb0-4878-4259-8089-3ea6b9f82a19
Address : http://localhost/web3/topicmaps/d51bb6e4-3ae9-4db0-917f-bd1ea20fb396/jobs/061a0bb0-4878-4259-8089-3ea6b9f82a19
Identity : MYDOMAIN\Administrator
WorkerId : SERVER-2008-3\Web3JobService
StatusMessage : Transaction processing completed successfully.
Created : 26/05/2010 09:22:47
Updated : 26/05/2010 09:22:56
Completed : 26/05/2010 09:22:56
JobType : TopicMapTransaction
Status : Completed
Parameters : TopicMap=d51bb6e4-3ae9-4db0-917f-bd1ea20fb396;Format=Xml;
Id : f678859a-2d7b-432f-828c-6f79d297fbbb
Address : http://localhost/web3/topicmaps/d51bb6e4-3ae9-4db0-917f-bd1ea20fb396/jobs/f678859a-2d7b-432f-828c-6f79d297fbbb
Identity : MYDOMAIN\Administrator
WorkerId : SERVER-2008-3\Web3JobService
StatusMessage : Transaction processing completed successfully.
Created : 26/05/2010 09:22:56
Updated : 26/05/2010 09:23:03
Completed : 26/05/2010 09:23:03
JobType : TopicMapTransaction
Status : Completed
Parameters : TopicMap=d51bb6e4-3ae9-4db0-917f-bd1ea20fb396;Format=Xml;