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Grant-TopicMapPermission [-TopicMapAddress] <Uri> [-Permissions] <String> [-Principals] <String[]>


Allows permissions to be granted to one or more principals on a specific topic map. A principal may be a user or group and are identified by using the identity string assigned to them by the underlying authentication mechanism. In a typical deployment, using Windows or ActiveDirectory for authentication, the principal identity should be the user name/group name in the DOMAIN\NAME format. In addition all Web3 stores are initialized with an "anonymous user" identity with the name "Anonymous".

This command has a ConfirmImpact of Medium and so will usually require interactive confirmation of the updates before applying them to the topic map store.



TopicMapAddress <Uri>
The web address of the topic map that permissions are being granted on.  This is a positional parameter - it must appear as the first parameter and the parameter name can be omitted.
Permissions <String>
The string that specifies the permissions to be granted.  This is a positional parameter - it must appear as the second parameter and the parameter name can be omitted. This string is not case-sensitive. The string may be either a single letter 'N' to revoke all privileges on the topic map or one or more of the following letters:
oR - Grants read permission on the topic map.
oW - Grants write permission on the topic map.
oP - Grants permission to create topic pools.
oA - Grants administrator permission on the topic map.
oJ - Grants permission to create jobs that affect the topic map such as import, export and schema synchronization jobs.
Principals <String[]>
A list of the identities of the groups\users that should be granted the specified permissions.  This is a positional parameter - it must appear as the third parameter and the parameter name can be omitted.



This command has no return values.



The following command grants all privileges on a topic map to members of the Administrators and Power Users group for the domain MYDOMAIN.

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Grant-TopicMapPermission http://localhost/web3/topicmaps/d51bb6e4-3ae9-4db0-917f-bd1ea20fb396 WRAP MYDOMAIN\Administrators,"MYDOMAIN\Power Users"