Job Details Page

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The Job Details page provides information about a specific job. The Data section contains links to the original transaction and also any result data.

Job Details Page

Job Details Page

The details shown on this page are as follows:

Job Type: The kind of job this is
Parameters: The job parameters that were specified when the job was created
Identity: The identity of the user who created the job
Created: The date/time when the job was initially created (this value is given in UTC).
Updated: The date/time when the job was last updated (in UTC)
Started: The date/time (in UTC) when progress updates started being recorded on the job. This is typically the date/time when a worker started working on the job.
Progress: An estimate of how close to completion the job is.
Completed: The date/time (in UTC) when the worker completed processing the job
Last Message: The last status message provided by the worker while processing the job
Data: Lists the job data items as links, clicking on the link will retrieve the data item.