Configuring Hidden Association Types

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In many situations it is not practical to display to the editor all of the roles that are played or may be played by a page in a particular association type. For example, if classifying documents against a theme taxonomy an individual theme may link to several thousand documents. It is not useful to display thousands of related pages in the edit mode of EPiServer, and doing so would severely impact the performance of the editing UI.

To mitigate this problem you can annotate the topic map schema to instruct the edit mode interface to not show specified roles by using an NPCL Extension.

To do this you should add an NPCL extension of with the value true to the source role (from the perspective of the role player) that you wish to hide.

For example: if documents and themes are connected by:

Topic Map Construct

Subject Identifier

Role Playing Type

Association Type


Source Role Type


Target Role Type


When classifying a Theme if you wish to hide the display of associated documents then you should add an NPCL extension of type with the value true (the value is not case sensitive) to the role type: as this is the role played by the Theme in the association that we want to be hidden.

An NPCL extension is modelled by creating a topic that is an occurrence type that is an instance of a topic with the subject identifier Consult the TMCore07 documentation for more information about NPCL extensions.