Document Conventions

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In this documentation we make use of a number of different type-faces and colours to convey different information.

This is a note. It is presented in this way to bring to your attention an important piece of information or caveat.

This is a warning. It brings to your attention some critical piece of information. For example, in a process description it could warn you of a common mistake to avoid.

// This is a source code example

// It presents C#, XML, Javascript or other source code

// in a smaller mono-spaced font to make it easier to read

// and to fit longer lines of code into limited space.


In a normal paragraph you will also find the names of classes, methods and properties rendered like this: System.Uri.ToString(). Names of items in a user interface will be rendered in bold-type, and values entered into a user interface will typically be rendered in italics. We also use bold-type when introducing new terms for the first time.