Granting Database Access

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Every domain user account that is used to run the Web3 windows services or Web3 application pool will require the same level of access to all of the Web3 databases. Failure to grant the correct privileges will result in some or all services functioning incorrectly. It is therefore vital that the correct access levels be granted to all service user identities.


To enable this we provide a stored procedure in each of the Web3 databases with the name "AddWeb3User". The stored procedure takes three parameters

The login name of the user to be granted access. This should be in the form DOMAIN\UserName.
A bit parameter set to 1 if the user should be granted read access and 0 if the user should not be granted read access
A bit parameter set to 1 if the user should be granted write access and 0 if the user should not be granted write access


To grant the user "Web3User" in the domain "MYDOMAIN" access to a Web3 database you need to run the following command ON EACH OF THE Web3 DATABASES SEPARATELY:


EXEC AddWeb3User 'MYDOMAIN\Web3User", 1, 1