NetworkedPlanet | TMCore Engine API Guide |
CRITICAL : The namespace NetworkedPlanet.TMAPI.Utils is now deprecated. All utility classes can be found in the namespace NetworkedPlanet.TMCore.Utils. The HierarchyManager class which was found in NetworkedPlanet.TMAPI.Utils has been moved, although an implementation remains under the old namespace for this release only to aid in any transition.
NEW: The class NetworkedPlanet.TMCore.Utils.ApplicationOntology provides utilities for managing cached references to topics that can be particularly useful in creating more readable and more efficient TMRQL queries. For more details please refer to the section called “The ApplicationOntology Object”.
NEW: Two new methods are added to the interface NetworkedPlanet.TMAPI.Query.ITMCoreDataReader. The method ITMCoreDataReader.GetInternalDataReader() returns the underlying IDataReader instance wrapped by the ITMCoreDataReader instance. The method ITMCoreDataReader.GetDataTable() reads from the data reader and returns DataTable instance containing the full results set. For more details please refer to the section called “Executing Queries”.
NEW: The public methods ITopic.Reload() and IAssociation.Reload() have been added to allow the local copy of a topic or association to be updated from the database, overwriting any local modifications.
NEW: A new public user-defined function in the database, tm_tc2 can be used to compute a transitive closure returning a list of {start, end} pairs that can hugely improve the time taken to process a hierarchy of topics. For more details, please refer to the separate Query Reference Sheet.