NetworkedPlanet have defined a number of schema type extension properties that are recognized by our topic map editor and can help in making the editing experience easier for users.
Property Descriptions
Extension Name
Allowed On
Occurrence Types and Name Types
Allowed Values
Any text string
Description / Notes
Provides a short description of the name or occurrence type that will be displayed in the topic map editor.
Extension Name
|{language code}
Allowed On
Occurrence Types and Name Types
Allowed Values
Any text string
Description / Notes
Provides a localized short description of the name or occurrence type that will be displayed in the topic map editor. The {language code} part of the name should be replaced by the language code for the language e.g. to provide a French language description. If the type has a localized description in the currently selected editor language, this will be used in preference to the generic description string provided by the property
Rich Text Editing for Properties
Extension Name
Allowed On
Occurrence Types and Name Types with a Data Type of 'string'
Allowed Values
Either 'true' or 'false'
Description / Notes
If this property is specified and is set to true, then the topic map editor will allow the user to edit the value of the name or occurrence using a rich text editor and will save the result in the topic map as an HTML string. A value of 'false' or any other value for this property will result in the normal string editor being displayed.
Hiding Certain Properties or Associations
Extension Name
Allowed On
Occurrence Types, Name Types, Role Types, Association Types, Topic Occurrence Constraints1, Topic Name Constraints1, Topic Role Constraints2
Allowed Values
One of 'display', 'edit' or 'both'
Description / Notes
The value of this property indicates when the type should be hidden. The value 'display' means that the type should be hidden for display purposes, but available for editing. The value 'edit' means that the type should be hidden in the editor but shown for display purposes. The value 'both' means that the type should be hidden for both editing and display purposes (though it could still be set through the REST API). The schema item that this property is applied to governs when its specification comes into effect:
• | When specified on an occurrence or name constraint, specifies when properties of the constrained property type should be hidden if they are on a topic of the constrained topic type. |
• | When specified on a topic role constraint, specifies when associations should be hidden where the context topic is of the constrained topic type and the role played is of the constrained role type. |
• | When specified on an occurrence type or name type, when properties of that type should always be hidden regardless of the type of topic that they belong to. |
• | When specified on a role type, indicates when associations where the context topic plays that type of role should be hidden. When specified on an association type, indicates when associations of that type should be hidden (regardless of the role played by the context topic). |
1A Topic Occurrence Constraint is the relationship between a topic type and an occurrence type; a Topic Name Constraint is the relationship between a topic type and a name type. Currently these constraints cannot be edited through the schema editor UI, but extension properties can be set on them through the REST API.
2 A Topic Role Constraint is the relationship between a Topic Type and a Role Type and can be edited by double-clicking on the line that connects them.